NSW Rural Fire Service – AIDER

The AIDER (Assist Infirm, Disabled and Elderly Residents) program is a free, one-off service which supports some of our most at-risk community members. The program helps people live more safely and confidently in their home in areas where bush fires may start.

The AIDER program is designed for people who have limited domestic support available from family, relatives, friends or other services. This could include older people, people living with a disability, and people who are already receiving community assistance and services. Their property must also be on bush fire prone land (land that can support a bush fire or be subject to bush fire attack). AIDER services can include:

  • Clearing gutters,
  • Thinning vegetation around the home,
  • Removing leaf and tree debris,
  • Trimming branches from close to the home, and
  • Mowing or slashing long grass.

If you would like to know more about the free, one-off AIDER service, call 02 8741 4955 or email [email protected] or download our fact sheet from https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-prepare/aider .